Coaching where all of you is welcome


When did you last feel connected to your wisest, most courageous and compassionate self? 


The part of you that already knows you don’t need fixing or saving, but that you are already enough? The part of you that might be called soul.

My intention is to create space for you to hear and connect with this innately wise part of you. It can be hard to hear her voice in every day life. Perhaps it feels drowned out by doubt, all the ‘shoulds’ or the stories that we have been given. But I promise, she’s there. And if you listen deeply, she has a lot to say.

(I use the pronoun she here, but I work with people who identify across all genders.)


I believe you already have the answers and qualities you need within you. But in order to connect with them, they need space, care and a depth of presence that can be hard to come by in every day life.

Coaching helps you to reconnect with who you truly know yourself to be and to take steps in your life towards what truly brings you alive. My hope is for you to cultivate deeper trust in yourself.

If you feel drawn to the possibility of a Coaching journey with me and want to have a conversation to find out more, please get in touch.


“Emma put my coaching programme together with such incredible care. It's like she saw me in a way that no-one ever has before. I felt my confidence and ability to look at myself in a kinder way increase a little every day.

– Sonal


Integral Development Coaching 

Coaching is a word with so many connotations and different approaches.

The field of coaching I practice and am certified in is Integral Development Coaching. ‘Integral’ because it doesn’t just look at one single aspect of your life in isolation (such as work or relationships), but it sees you as a whole person.

And ‘Development’ because this is coaching that intentionally supports you to grow. Not just outwardly, such as meeting certain external goals, but the lasting inner work of growing more into who you are. Like a plant, by growing deeper roots we ultimately grow taller and stronger. 


Outcomes of coaching with me include:

  • Clarity around questions that might have previously felt foggy

  • A greater sense of what brings you joy

  • The capacity to express and stay with complex emotions, in yourself and others

  • More ease, presence and self-kindness in your life

  • Lasting change: new ways of seeing and being that you carry with you long after the coaching journey ends

In our sessions you can expect a blend of powerful questions and gentle invitations, poetry and practices, imaginative metaphors and tangible outcomes.

Our journey together may be emotional, revelatory, unexpected and even joyful. It might at times feel like a relief to finally be seen and have permission to just be. Above all, I hope we will work together to support you living into new possibilities.

You can find more information about my approach to coaching in my FAQs.


“Emma’s coaching is insightful and loving. She cares and listens deeply. She holds space with kindness, inclusiveness and generosity, in a way that always helps me see things with more clarity. Whenever we talk, my world expands a little more.”

– Jasmina


Invitations to Coaching

The Offering

A potent half-day session to be deeply met exactly where you are. And to feel into your next step forward.


The Journey

My signature 3+ months coaching programme tailored uniquely to you, to accompany you through a season of life and step into deep-rooted change.

  • 'Being coached by Emma has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

    She has enabled me to look at various aspects of my life in a completely different way. She helped me to experiment with practices at a pace that worked for me, but also challenged me to step out of my comfort zone and default stance. Emma is warm, kind, wise and so unbelievably reassuring. She held space for me in a way that I didn’t realise I needed. By holding a mirror up to what we discussed, I’ve been able to find alternative ways to think and be that have been revolutionary - especially to my mental wellbeing. I couldn’t recommend Emma highly enough.’


  • 'Working with Emma felt like a genuine collaboration.

    Emma made me feel safe and supported throughout our time together, encouraging my curiosity, challenging me at the right times and always being flexible about where our explorations ended up. It's opened up valuable insights about some of my deep assumptions, and helped me develop useful practices that have grounded me during a time of uncertainty and transition. I now feel ready to accept anything that comes. If you want to connect the dots between different parts of your life, and have an open-minded approach to where coaching might take you, I highly recommend working with Emma!’


  • 'Emma brings so much wisdom to the coaching process.

    She holds space with kindness and compassion, allowing for deep exploration and personal discovery. Throughout our work together Emma has introduced me to new practices and ways of being that have challenged the assumptions and narratives I have held about myself and what I am capable of. The whole process has had a profound impact on me. I now have so much more resilience and self-compassion and I feel able to hold all parts of my being more lightly. The coaching has opened me up to new ways of learning and to new possibilities for myself.’


  • ' The sessions with Emma exceeded every expectation I had!

    It was unbelievable how quickly Emma could see and understand the core of who I am. Through this she helped me feel more empowered and confident in every way. Our sessions focused on me as an individual and my relationship with my co-business lead. It was a true privilege for us to spend time with Emma and it not only benefited us as individuals and a partnership, but also the wider business and team too.’


Curious to explore coaching?

If you feel drawn to the possibility of a Coaching journey and would like to find out more, I’d be so glad to hear from you. To book an exploratory 45-minute conversation, please get in touch and we can find a time to speak when it suits you.