The Offering


The Offering is an experience of being deeply met exactly where you are, enabling you to feel into the next step forward.


It’s a rare yet powerful experience to be simply witnessed. To have the space to hear your true self and express what matters deeply. To give voice to every part of you - not having to censor or present yourself, not needing to be anyone but wholly you. To be offered the kind of presence that enables new perspectives. 

There will be no advice, fixing or saving. Just powerful questions and reflective insight, helping you to draw our what is already within you.


“Emma’s generous, warm and loving presence allowed me to voice what I had been hiding from the world for so long. She has an uncommon approach, which is both poetic and evocative. Our work has opened the door to what seems infinite possibility.”

– Brenton


“Time expands and space opens up in Emma's presence. She possesses a rare set of qualities: a deep interest in other people's lives, a fearless willingness to tell the truth and an uncompromising commitment to kindness.”

– Sophie

The Invitation

The Offering is a precious experience to tune in with your own wisdom. Whether you are holding a particular challenge in your life, feeling blocked in some way or perhaps traversing into unchartered terrain - this is an invitation to, as the poet David Whyte says, start close in and take the first step.

The Offering is a simple, powerful offering of pure presence for a whole morning or afternoon. Time with no distractions, pressure or expectations. Time that is yours to hear the one voice that knows the way ahead: your own. This can also be a wonderful way to get a light flavour of coaching especially if you are thinking about embarking on one of my longer coaching programmes.

The Offering can also make for a thoughtful, unique gift for a loved one who might appreciate the space to simply be seen and held at this time. After you purchase, your loved one will be sent a personal invitation with details of how to book.

Price: £275

A note on cost: It matters to me that coaching is as accessible and flexible as possible and for cost to not be the main barrier for anyone. If you’d like to have a chat about working out a payment plan together that makes it easier, please get in touch.