What kind of topic might I bring to coaching?

You are welcome to bring any particular challenge, question or issue you are facing in your life right now. It may be related to your work, relationships, creative expression, confidence or bringing your vision to life. No topic could be too small or unworthy of our exploration together. Topics we often explore centre around overcoming self-doubt and cultivating courage to step into new possibilities.

Often, what people bring to coaching turns out to have many layers beneath it so that what we thought was the original ‘goal’ is actually the root of much deeper change and possibility. For example, a person might arrive to coaching feeling that they are too busy juggling priorities to focus on what matters to them, but what becomes apparent might be that they feel unworthy of offering themselves that gift of time.

The deeper work might be supporting them to cultivate loving kindness towards themselves and allowing for time to simply ‘be’.

Why do your coaching programmes take a certain number of weeks?

Part of the reason for spacing out the sessions is that coaching is as much about what happens in the sessions as it is about what happens between them. Pacing the sessions gives you time to take up the reflections and practices I will share with you, which are designed to help you cultivate particular qualities over time. The space between sessions gives you the chance to deeply integrate what you are learning, which leads to deep-rooted and sustainable change. 

Are the sessions confidential?

Yes, our time together is absolutely confidential and I will never share anything that you tell me outside of our sessions (unless in the very rare situation that you or someone else might be unsafe.) The only exception is in the case of Coaching Supervision, which is a practice I invest in as part of my professional development as a coach. In this case I will still never disclose your name or any personal details without your consent.

How is Integral Coaching different to therapy?

This is a multi-layerd answer - partly because there are many ways to approach both coaching and therapy.

There can certainly be overlap between the two: both are spaces to feel held and heard, both can both be in service of your own development and healing. However, they are fundamentally different.

One distinction I make is that although coaching can feel therapeutic, it is not intended to address past trauma or psychological difficulties in the way that psychotherapy does. From time to time, you might want to share past experiences with me, but our main focus will be on how you are showing up in this present moment.

While my training and work is trauma-informed, I am not a trained Psychotherapist and I would never try to replicate this role. Sometimes if I sense a client would benefit from therapy, I will make that recommendation and have found that coaching can work very well in parallel with the therapy journey.

Where will we meet?

I am happy to meet you online via Zoom or face to face, outside in nature or in a quiet space depending on what is possible for you. You are welcome to come to my coaching space in my home in South London. Whether in person or online, I will offer you the same depth of presence and care.

What if I want to experience coaching but cost feels prohibitive?

I believe that coaching is an investment in your own deep development and that by paying for it, you are also taking a symbolic step in dedicating value and energy to this work. Equally, it really matters to me that coaching is accessible to everyone who wishes to experience it and that cost is not a barrier. If you feel drawn to the idea of working together but for any reason you are unable to afford it, then please get in touch and I am happy to have a conversation about how we can find a payment plan to make it possible for you.

How can I find out more?

I would love to have a conversation with you to explore if coaching with me might be right for you at this time.

This complimentary conversation will be up to 30 minutes is intended to help you feel into the decision of whether a coaching journey with me is right for you at this time in your life. It will be a chance for me to also hear a bit more about you and to answer any questions that you might have about coaching.

After we speak, there is no obligation and I will fully respect whatever choice you make. If you decide now isn’t the time, my door will be open if you want to work together in the future. If I am not quite the right fit for you, I have many other brilliant coaches and practitioners in my circle and would be happy to make a recommendation.

Any other questions?

Don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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