The Journey


A six-month coaching offering, designed to step into new ways of being and cultivate lasting change.


The Journey is a six month coaching programme tailored entirely to you. 

It’s a gift to your future self, that first step of saying yes to the possibilities that are calling you. As with all journeys, you might encounter the unexpected, but you will be fully supported to meet what arises. 

Lasting change takes time. It might seem like a long journey ahead but it will be made up of many small steps. And I will be alongside you the whole way.

What to Expect

The Journey will go beyond your immediate goals. It will support you to grow sustainably in multiple aspects of your life, deepening into who you truly are.

These might include areas such as:

  • Allowing yourself to slow down and re-find a sense of harmony

  • Being kind to yourself and appreciating your innate qualities

  • Learning to express your emotions and needs in relationships

  • Showing up wholly as yourself in every part of your life

  • Reconnecting with a deep sense of presence in the everyday

  • Forging a foundation of unconditional self-belief

What we choose to focus on will be shaped by you from the start and can evolve organically over time. 


“Emma understood what I could not see in myself - like a fog lifting in front of a mirror. I started to understand my real needs rather than what I thought my needs were. It’s truly wonderful how my whole system - head and heart started to work as one with empathy and clarity. Her open-hearted presence meant I could trust and share anything. ”

— Meera


“As someone who used to obsess with the term ‘success’, I now have a new type of mentor. More than any other, Emma has tended to my grief by equipping me to do so from within myself; she gently & respectfully studied my soul and paired it with a basket full of empowering language, practices and stories of wisdom.

— Jennifer

Our Process

The Journey will be an embodied experience that leads to lasting change. While our sessions themselves will be deeply powerful, much of the work happens in between. It’s here that you take up new practices and self reflections, designed to support you in cultivating the change that you wish to see. This is how lasting change happens.

These can include things such as:

  • Embodiment practices

  • Reflective journaling

  • Creative action experiments

The Journey is as much for yourself now as it is for the person you are becoming and the lives you will touch. It will include: 

  • Bi-Weekly Integral Coaching sessions with me where you will be fully seen and supported

  • A uniquely and thoughtfully crafted Coaching Programme with a blend of practices, self-reflections and creative inspiration to carry with you along the way.

  • Ongoing support over voice-notes or messages between sessions

  • Intentional opening and closing ritual to mark our journey together

  • An optional light follow-up session at a future date

Prices and payment plans available upon request.

I only offer this coaching programme to a limited number of people at a time, to ensure you receive the highest quality of presence over our time together. To explore whether a coaching journey together might be right for you at this time, please feel free to get in touch and we can begin with a conversation. I’d be so glad to hear from you.