Another way is possible


Hi, I’m Emma.

I’m a coach, facilitator and strategist.

My work is grounded in a belief: that the healing of our world begins within each of us. Whether it’s working with individuals or organisations, I hope to create spaces where people can welcome complexity, speak truth and respond with courage.

If you’re interested in working together, I’d be delighted to hear from you.


Kind words



“In Emma’s presence my whole system settles; I'm able to share anything, however tender it may feel. She enables me to look at my issues square-in-the-eye and open up fresh ways of working with them. In my experience fear is the greatest enemy of growth: and love and wisdom are its greatest allies. Emma brings both love and wisdom in abundance - around her I grow.”

– Neena Sims, Partner, Thirdspace


“Emma is honestly one of the most wise, integrous, caring and courageous people I have come to know. Her voice resonates beyond words and concept to facilitate one of the most radically human experiences there is: to be seen and to be heard, and to be held. This is how I experience Emma and her leadership and all I want is for the world to know her.”

– Vanessa Faloye, Co-Founder, held.


“Emma is a guide for our times. We can find answers to our most difficult questions deep within ourselves, and Emma, with empathy, compassion and humour enables people to enter this profound space of knowing. From this place, Emma gently guides individuals and groups to find answers, understanding they have agency to shape the future their hearts desire.”

Jonathan Wise, Co-Founder, Purpose Disruptors